I Know Your Story.

The truth is, everyone has parts of them that they don’t like. It’s what makes us human. 

Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Our beginning is set in stone. That can’t be changed. But by altering our middle, it sets the path for a whole new ending. And I know your current “middle”. 

Of course, what lead you to where you are today - I don’t know. But you’re here - reading this right now - because deep down you’re not satisfied with who you are. That’s the long and short of it.

You might be unable to look at your reflection for longer than a few seconds. 

Or you may just wish you could be someone else. Like you feel conned that you were born as you.  

Do you run over the same conversations in your mind, though they happened a year ago, wishing you’d said something different? 

Is your brain running over-time, convincing yourself that they’re making judgements of your character that’ll spread like chicken-pox?  

Does the idea of being around other people fill you with anxiety and dread, just in case you say something wrong? 

But if that feeling - that intense feeling of self-hatred, shame, or insignificance - gets in the way of shooting for the stars? That’s when you need support. One click of a button will change your story. 

Right now, it feels like that new story is just that: a story. But this isn’t dragons, mermaids, and fairies. It’s not cauldrons and magic wands. This is reality. And based on the next few minutes we have together, it could be yours.

Close Your Eyes and Imagine

Picture a life where: 

You’re able to sustain healthy relationships and friendships without being taken advantage of

You can wear that outfit that you can’t quite bring yourself to wear right now

You wake up every day feeling at peace and grateful to be who you are

Even on bad days when you’re not thrilled about what you see in the mirror or how you’ve handled a situation, you can manage those emotions without it clouding every area of your perception of self-worth

You attend events and parties without the pre-departure meltdown and you’re genuinely present and enjoy the time you have with the people that matter 

You’re free to voice your ideas at work without the sheer panic of “cocking up” or being made a fool of

You feel in control of your own present and future, no longer shackled by constraints of “I can’t do this,” and “she could but I’m not like her.”

You don’t feel the need to count calories because you know how to nourish your body and handle moderation

Right now, it feels like that new story is just that: a story. But this isn’t dragons, mermaids, and fairies. It’s not cauldrons and magic wands. This is reality. And based on the next few minutes we have together, it could be yours.

Close Your Eyes and Imagine

Picture a life where: 

You wake up every day feeling at peace and grateful to be who you are

You’re able to sustain healthy relationships and friendships without being taken advantage of

You can wear that outfit that you can’t quite bring yourself to wear right now

You’re free to voice your ideas at work without the sheer panic of “cocking up” or being made a fool of

Even on bad days when you’re not thrilled about what you see in the mirror or how you’ve handled a situation, you can manage those emotions without it clouding every area of your perception of self-worth

You attend events and parties without the pre-departure meltdown and you’re genuinely present and enjoy the time you have with the people that matter 

You don’t feel the need to count calories because you know how to nourish your body and handle moderation

You feel in control of your own present and future, no longer shackled by constraints of “I can’t do this,” and “she could but I’m not like her.”

Introducing: The Beyond the Mirror  Membership

Done with letting yourself get in your own way?  Ready to transform your relationship with yourself from foe to friend? Great. Because I’m ready to teach, guide, nurture, and support you. 


Through the Beyond the Mirror Membership. 

What Is The Beyond the Mirror Membership?

I’m sure you’ll agree that every woman around the globe has a right to feel comfortable with who they are. But the world is full of “should’s” and “could’s”. And unfortunately, 79% of women are tackling poor self-esteem. 

So, as a Body Image and Self Esteem Coach, I decided to lower the stats. And I wanted to create something that every woman in the world could afford. Because I firmly believe that it shouldn’t cost thousands to see yourself for the beautiful person you are. And so the Beyond the Mirror Membership was born. 

Learn As You Like

Once you sign up, you’ll have instant access to 75+ lessons that take you from who you are today to who you want to be. But you can space your lessons out as much as you’d like. Want to do a lesson a week? No problem. Want to learn a lesson a month? You got it. Or cram it all in and give yourself an intensive course (with a definite pass at the end).

Plus, every lesson is tailored to a specific area of support. So, you can tackle the membership’s lessons in whichever order suits you. There’s no chronological order to self-development. It centres - at the end of the day - around you. The freedom is yours.   

With so many lessons to go through, I’ve left no stone unturned. Here’s just a handful of skills you’ll master:

What you’ll learn


Learn how to forgive yourself for past mistakes, show yourself self-compassion when you need it most, and how to properly practise self-care (which goes far beyond a few face masks and a bubble bath). 

Thoughts & Beliefs

Being your own worst enemy is so yester-year. Learn how to manage negative thought patterns and how to flip the switch to a healthier, thriving, state of mind.

Positivity Tool-kit

Ever have those days where you simply can’t find the light in the darkness? Your positivity tool-kit is there to fall back on and acts as your own personal torch when those dreary days hit full-force.

Mental & Emotional Health

Do you know the difference between mental and emotional health? Poor mental and emotional health can spread like wildfire, causing a whole range of other physical problems that can debilitate and harm you as a whole person. Keep your garden of healthy emotional and mental wellbeing flourishing, no matter what the season.

Meditation & Emotion Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Practice meditation and restore a calmness in a chaotic world. These mini meditation sessions, run by Juliana Lindner, will teach you how to manage your emotions through breath-work and meditation, which you can use anywhere. So, whether you’re at your desk, in a bubble-bath, or at your family event, you’ll always be able to apply emotional freedom techniques to slow down and restore serenity.

Body Image & Physical Health

When’s the last time you truly felt beautiful? From social media misuse to bodyshaming, learn how to see past insecurities and value yourself for who you are.

Nutrition and your relationship with food

Get ready to join the anti-diet movement. You don’t have to starve your body in order to feel beautiful. It’s time to redefine the way we interact with food. Learn how to nourish your body to feel strong, energised, and confident. Taught by expert nutritionist, Selina Prager, your in-house nutritionist tackles your relationship with food and is there to answer your questions. Taste is one of our most pleasurable senses.

Goals and habit tracking

As adults, we very rarely have a chance to celebrate our success. That’s why, when creating the Be You Membership, it was crucial to allow you to acknowledge the progress you’ve made so you can reward yourself. Learn how to set realistic goals that genuinely help move your journey forward, assess your current habits and routine, and put tools in place to make them healthier for your body, soul, and mind.

And so very much more.

“The membership has given me purpose. I’m kinder to myself and focusing on improving good habits.” I like the podcasts and challenges. The Zoom group coaching calls are a great way to meet the other ladies. There is so much information. Natalie just goes over and beyond and I know she is always a message away. It has given me purpose. I am kinder to myself and focusing on improving good habits. I have come so far with how I feel about myself for the good.


I’m getting married in the next couple of years. I want to feel beautiful, too. And I know that goes beyond the dress I choose. That’s why I’m putting in the work. Because I deserve to feel - deep down - beautiful. I’ve always had issues with self-confidence and setting boundaries, and planning a wedding has brought all of that to the surface. I’m beyond grateful to Natalie for creating this membership. Affordable and impactful, I finally feel heard and seen.


My life is already changing since I met Natalie and joining the membership. I feel excited to learn new things and practice them each day. I am feeling better about myself and enjoy meeting the lovely members.I love the support, structure ad trainings. I love everything about it.I just love the membership, it has been a great support for me and love the ladies in the group. And I love our coach, Natalie.


I stumbled across Natalie's group and after watching Natalie's content and videos I knew I was in the right place and joined the Body Image & Beyond Membership. Natalie doesn't talk as us, but to us and shares her personal stories that I find relatable and so helpful. Her sense of humor is a bonus! I've found myself working harder than I ever have, even after years of therapy.


I love that I have found one place to address so many of the things that I struggle with and offer methods that I can use to improve them. You have slowly begun to replace the numerous coaches I have had over the years into a one stop place where I feel welcome and among supportive friends who know that it's like to be where I am.


Best decision I ever made was joining the membership. I’ve learnt sooo much and my confidence is just building every day. I have wobble days but Natalie is always there to put me back on track. I do the work and Natalie provides the tools and support!!


See what women just like you have to say

How Much Is Fulfilment And Peace Worth To You?

We pay hundreds of thousands of pounds on trying to make ourselves feel beautiful. From makeup to clothing to skincare, we’re happy to hand over our hard-earned money for us to feel like we’re glowing. But it’s temporary. As soon as you wipe off your makeup, you’re left feeling the way you did before. Which is why, as great as makeup is (and I love a bit of lippy and mascara), the internal work is even more important. And trust me - the results are far more long lasting. 

But I wanted to make sure every woman could access this membership. Because every single woman on earth deserves to recognise their beauty.

For less than your daily “tall” coffee at Starbucks, you’ll get unlimited access to:

Your own private member’s area →

Simply type your email and password to log-in and you have a world of opportunities at your finger tips.

Weekly updated private podcast episodes →

These podcast episodes are created with YOU at the forefront. Based on questions, conversations, and private messages, each episode helps you get one step closer toward becoming the “you” you want to be. Updated weekly, members have a wealth of knowledge that can be accessed on the school run, during a workout, or even while doing the dishes.

Self-love →

How well do you know yourself really? Learn how to give yourself a break from intrusive, negative thinking patterns and behaviours. Plus, implement selfcompassion strategies and let yourself off the hook.

Thoughts and beliefs reset →

We’re programmed to think and believe the things we do. It stems from a whole range of components. From childhood memories to trauma and everything in between, it can feel almost impossible to hit “system reset” on the direction your brain takes your thoughts. Until now.

Positivity toolkit →

We live in a world where the automatic default is “negative.” That negativity acts as a tornado, sucking up positivity in a whirlwind that can be tricky to escape. For those days where your life is in chaos, use your positivity toolkit to calm the winds and restore balance.

Mental and emotional health →

Emotions are what makes us human, but we’re taught to ignore this extremely primal side of us. Yet, when you learn how to nourish your mental and emotional health, you take control of how you feel. Mastering these skills will reduce your number of blow-ups and melt-downs, which seeps into every day life. Less arguments with your significant other. Less pent up stress at work. More freedom to live on your terms.

Habits, goals, and consistency →

We thrive on routine. But bad habits can be a key factor in a lack of selffulfilment. Just ask Ed Sheeran! This module puts your daily life under a microscope so you can recognise areas that need adjusting. With this comes the chance to set realistic goals, which can be used to monitor your personal progress. Breaking habits isn’t easy, but you’ll have the tools and strategies on your side.

Body image and physical health →

If I asked you to look in the mirror and tell me what you see, you’d probably list a whole bunch of surface components that you can’t stand about yourself. Whether that’s stretch marks, your ankles, your “lack of” curves - you’d focus on the physical components you want to change. And that’s not abnormal. In fact, it’s far more common to look at the areas you find “unattractive” than those you do appreciate. This seeps into your overall confidence and self-esteem, which is married to your physical health. But you are so much more than what you see in a mirror. This lesson helps you recognise what makes you beautiful and gives you the tools you need to be at peace with your reflection.

Meditation mastery →

Meditation isn’t some “woo-woo” nonsense. It’s about managing overwhelm and stress. It’s about finding peace when life gets too much. But how do you know where to start? Start your day in the right way and the right things fall into place. Master meditation with guidance and support with your meditation mastery module.

Nutrition and making food your best friend →

Dieting is not the way forward. We are on this planet once, and food brings great pleasure. So, don’t deny yourself that pleasure. Stop saying “no” to your own birthday cake. Stop ordering salad when you want a steak. Learn how to nourish your body the right way without starving yourself, and make food your friend, not your foe.

PLUS these cherries on top

Every Monday you'll get access to an exclusive private podcast, just for the membership! There is also a whole heap of past podcast episodes packed with self-esteem boosting techniques.

Listen on-the-go, these short podcast are designed for even the busiest of schedules. Incorporate the podcast into your routine. Whether you choose to listen to an episode on a walk, the school run, or while washing the dishes, incorporating it into your routine means you’ll start prioritising your development every day.

Private Podcast

There is a LOT inside the beyond the Mirror Membership Vault! I don't want this to be overwhelming, so each week I will remind you inside the community of one of the gems waiting for your inside. I will select something based on the conversations we are having and what you ladies are telling me you need right now. We will also have guest experts covering any topics where I am not the expert (I will never pretend that I am) and you'll be updates as I upload new trainings and resources for you.

Weekly Resources, Training or Masterclasses

As humans, we soak up energy. Surround yourself with women who are dedicated to bettering themselves through self-development and you’ll notice your own efforts are 10X more powerful. The community is an exclusive group, accessible only to members. When you need us, we’ll always be there.

The  Supportive Community

Being a woman is hard. You have an enormous amount to juggle. From progressing a career, bringing up human beings, complying to beauty standards, to simply trying to accept yourself, the world can be a minefield. There are so many contradictions that we need to navigate. And sometimes, it can all build up and cause us to shut down. That’s why I offer my community and members a weekly check-in. So, whether you vent and rant or you recognise that others are going through the same pressures, you’ll feel a huge amount of support and love to get you through. 

Weekly Check-Ins

How much you’ll invest: £19 PCM (cancel any time).

This Membership Was Created For You. But Here’s a Little About Your Maker. 

When I was born, I had no idea about the pressures in the world. Physical, social, economic, every-day, mental, emotional - you name it.  

Life is beautiful. But it’s also a tough bloody gig. We’re not prepared for any of those pressures. They’re just thrown into our existence like the bananas in Mario Kart. And it’s up to us to navigate through them. 
But once we start to learn the patterns - understand when the bananas will be hauled at us - we can dodge them and avoid the slip-ups. 

Hi. I’m Natalie Trusdale. I’m a woman, a mother, a partner, a daughter, and a body image and self-esteem coach. And I struggled throughout my life to become the woman I am today. I could blame my surroundings, my upbringing, and the external factors.

But the truth is: I was the worst friend to myself. I was like one of those people who always plant seeds of doubt in your mind. 

You know the types?

Like the ones who, once you’ve bought a new dress that you LOVE yourself in, they say something like “are you sure it’s not too tight? The colour makes you look really pale,” and they justify this with comments like “I’m just protecting you” or “it’s because you’re my best friend and I don’t want people to tease you.”

Thing is: you can cut those kind of people out of your life.
But you can’t cut yourself out. So, you work with what you’ve got.
And as you learn more about who you are really, suddenly that voice becomes your greatest ally in life. 

Over twenty years, I’ve dedicated my life to improving who I am. And that’s had a positive impact on my partner, my daughters, my friends, my family, my colleagues, and my business. But more importantly, it’s completely transformed me. 

So, I’ve put together a membership that teaches you all of the lessons I learned over the space of 20 years.While I bumbled through it until I mined gold, you won’t have any of the coal. 

This Membership Isn’t For Everyone. And I’m Proud.

Are you ready to haul yourself out of your comfort zone and make a change that’ll shape your future for the better? Even if it’s tough at times? 

If you’ve said “yes” to all or most of these questions, then I can’t wait to see you inside your member’s area. 

Are you dedicated to walking down the journey of self-improvement knowing that it isn’t a quick-fix kinda thing? 

Are you aware that there is no quick-fix when it comes to self-improvement?

Do you take ownership of implementing the tools and strategies you learn and understand that the real change comes from you? 

Are you okay with moments of discomfort if you know you’ll end up with a sense of acceptance and more confidence? 

Do you want to feel better? Truly? 

I won’t lie to you, there are women out there who wouldn’t gel with this membership. And that’s okay. If you don’t answer “yes” to these questions, that’s a sure-sign that this isn’t for you. 

Waiting Until Tomorrow Just Sets You Back

This membership is not a quick fix. It’s not a plaster or band-aid that covers insecurities until it falls off after washing the dishes. This is the real deal. And it takes time. It takes effort, determination, and dedication. 

So, leaving your sign up until tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year? That simply delays your progress. The first step of self-improvement starts right here, right now. So, hover your mouse over this button, close your eyes, and click. 

Know that, once you’ve signed up, you’ve done something huge that will ripple its way into the future you want for your kids, your partner, your family - but most importantly? Yourself. But sometimes, we need a little push. So, sign up right now and I’ll give you 50% off your first month. Remember, you can cancel your membership whenever you want. So, it really is risk-free. What’dya say? You ready? 

Your Questions. My Answers. 

How much is the membership? →

The membership is £19 a month, I know and YES you are reading that right... £19 a month for ALL that! Even better, it's month to month, no contracts here!

What if I want to cancel? →

This membership was created to help you grow. If you feel you’re not growing despite putting in the work, you always have the option of cancelling your membership. It’s a simple process where you click a few buttons.

Can I also book 1:1 sessions with you? →

Absolutely, but these aren't part of the membership. Once you're inside you can book discounted 1:1 sessions as a Be You member, just in case you want a little extra support, just me and you.

How often are new podcasts added? →

New podcasts are added every Monday to members.

Can I introduce the membership to a friend/family member? →

Absolutely! The more, the merrier. My mission is to reduce the percentage of women who battle with negative body image and low self-esteem. The more of an impact I can make, the better. Plus, as a thank you for spreading the love, for everyone you refer that signs up you get a FREE month or a 1:1 coaching session with me!

How quickly can I access the membership after signing up? →

You’ll have instant access to the membership as soon as you’ve made your first payment.

Do you offer refunds? →

As the monthly cost of the membership is as low as I could physically make it, it’s not a common occurrence to offer refunds. This, of course, depends on the context and the reason for your refund.

Is there a “try before you buy” offer? →

As of right now, there are no “try before you buy” offers. This is simply because self-development and growth takes longer than a week or two, so it would be detrimental to your journey to believe everything is “fixed” by the end of your trial period.

I Can’t Read Your Future. But I Can Guarantee The Future You Is Thanking You

Whether you sign up for this membership or not, even considering it shows that you want to change your life. And that, in itself, is something that the future you will acknowledge and appreciate. 

If you head off and try to improve yourself with blog posts and Google searches, then I wish you all the luck in the world. If, however, you want the inside scoop on tools, strategies, methods, and exercises that you can use yourself and pass on to your daughters and granddaughters, then your membership area is waiting for you. I’m waiting for you. 

So, if you’re done with being wracked with self-doubt, anxiety, and cripplingly low self-esteem, then I have a better option for you. Become a member today for a future chosen by YOU.