We can’t just wake up one day, decide we want to boost our self esteem and as if my magic it happens. Would be nice if it did. Instead, it happens through small, consistent daily habits that build up over time. Like strengthening a muscle, the more we practice self-supporting behaviours, the stronger our confidence […]

Daily Habits to Boost Self-Esteem & Confidence

gratitude remind in frame next to vase

Let’s explore how body image and self-esteem connect and how understanding this link can empower you to create lasting, positive change. Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like you were seeing more than just your reflection? Maybe it feels like all those little voices – society, social media, even past criticisms are […]

How Body Image Impacts Your Confidence and Self-Worth

Woman sat on the floor realising the Telltale Signs of Body Image Struggles

What if your ‘flaws’ weren’t actually flaws at all, but wonderful, individual aspects and traits that make you perfectly unique?  Whether you’re struggling with body image, self-doubt, or just a general feeling of not being good enough, my aim in this article is to inspire you to start seeing yourself in a more positive light.  […]

Embrace Your Flaws – How To Turn Your ‘Imperfections’ Into Strengths 

Woman learning to embrace her flaws

Do you struggle with self-belief? Perhaps you find it hard to believe that you can feel more confident, make that change or achieve that goal. Having self-belief motivates you to explore your potential and achieve your dreams, but so many of us are lacking in self-belief.

What is Self-Belief? Everything You Need To Know About Believing in Yourself

woman wearing black cardigan holding mug that says 'believe in yourself'

Positive self-esteem isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. Your journey to greater confidence and self assurance needs encouragement and nurturing – just as we nurture our children, or how the ground nurtures a growing seedling. If you’re struggling with a negative body image, low confidence, or just want to feel more optimistic on a day-to-day […]

Positive Quotes for Self-Esteem: Find Happiness Through Changing Your Mindset

woman silhouette against sunset background

When you’re feeling trapped, it can seem as though you have no control over your life. In turn, this can damage your self-esteem, and low self-esteem can exacerbate the problem. It becomes a bit of a negative cycle, and it can feel like there’s no way out, but it is possible to escape this feeling […]

Feeling Trapped: How to Find Freedom and Happiness in Your Life

Woman looking at reflection in mirror feeling trapped

Some days, life can be tough. It’s easy to forget all the good things we have going for us and focus on the negatives – particularly when things always seem to be going wrong. But there is a way to turn this around, and it’s a powerful one. By focusing on the good things in […]

The Life Changing Magic of Gratitude: 20 Powerful Prompts to Add to Your Gratitude List

happy woman in field grateful for life

“Think happy thoughts.”  Easier said than done though, right? Especially when that sneaky, negative voice decides to take over. There you are, minding your own business, reciting your positive affirmations… Until your brain pipes up with its two-pence worth, and you slide back into those unhelpful thinking habits. Bam. Happy thoughts, be gone.  Fortunately, understanding […]

The Power of Happy Thoughts – How to Positively Influence Your Life

woman thinking happy thoughts

Are you feeling a little bit lost in your life? There was a time, long ago, when you knew what you wanted. You had dreams, and you were happy. But now? You have no idea how you got here. And have no clue what to do about it.  To top it off, information on how […]

40 Inspirational Quotes for When You’re Feeling Lost

Woman sitting on grass by road side in late sunshine next to bicycle to support 'feeling lost quotes' and finding yourself theme.

When you have little to no confidence and your self-worth is shot to pieces, the concept of loving yourself can feel completely out of reach.  But as someone who has been there, I’m here to tell you that you CAN love yourself; you just need to know where to start.  From being able to spot […]

How to Love Yourself

woman hugging dog in the outdoors to showcase one of the ways of how you can love yourself

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