You wake up, grab your phone, and before you even step out of bed, you’ve already compared yourself to three different women on Instagram. You tell yourself, I should be happy with what I have, but that nagging voice still whispers: If I could just lose a little weight, maybe I’d feel better. Sound familiar? […]

Beyond the Mirror: Learning to Love Your Body Without Changing It

Woman looking in a full length mirror comparing her body size due to having triggers surrounding her body image

We can’t just wake up one day, decide we want to boost our self esteem and as if my magic it happens. Would be nice if it did. Instead, it happens through small, consistent daily habits that build up over time. Like strengthening a muscle, the more we practice self-supporting behaviours, the stronger our confidence […]

Daily Habits to Boost Self-Esteem & Confidence

gratitude remind in frame next to vase

Let’s explore how body image and self-esteem connect and how understanding this link can empower you to create lasting, positive change. Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like you were seeing more than just your reflection? Maybe it feels like all those little voices – society, social media, even past criticisms are […]

How Body Image Impacts Your Confidence and Self-Worth

Woman sat on the floor realising the Telltale Signs of Body Image Struggles

Do you start the New Year hoping to feel more confidence and happiness in the coming year? As the new year begins, it’s easy to dive in with ambitious plans to change how you feel about yourself, spend more time on self-care, or finally achieve the confidence and self-worth you’ve been seeking. Yet, by February, […]

5 Questions to Make 2025 a Year of Confidence and Happiness

Confident woman smiling in nature, symbolising positivity and self-worth for 2025.

How can you accept your body when you feel unattractive, believe yourself to be imperfect, and wish you had the ‘perfect body’?  When you’re surrounded by a strong focus on diet, fitness, body conditioning, and the ‘ideal’ body image, accepting our bodies as the wonderful, unique specimens that they are can feel impossible.  So, instead […]

Body Acceptance: How to Love and Respect Your Whole Self

women of all shapes, colour, and sizes standing together smiling embracing body acceptance

What if your ‘flaws’ weren’t actually flaws at all, but wonderful, individual aspects and traits that make you perfectly unique?  Whether you’re struggling with body image, self-doubt, or just a general feeling of not being good enough, my aim in this article is to inspire you to start seeing yourself in a more positive light.  […]

Embrace Your Flaws – How To Turn Your ‘Imperfections’ Into Strengths 

Woman learning to embrace her flaws

Break free from the trap of body checking and overcome negative body image. Empower yourself and learn to embrace self-love and confidence 💪

How to Overcome Negative Body Image

A woman who has over come negative body image and is happy dancing with her partner

When you’re feeling unhappy, it’s really hard to know where to start in an attempt to pick yourself up. And sometimes, a simple search for some inspirational quotes can be a good place to begin. But when you’re desperate to feel truly happy with yourself, it’s important to think about what happiness really means to […]

Happy With Me: 37 Quotes to Lift Self Esteem

woman in white dress and black ankle boots holding lemons in front of eyes. Looking carefree and happy with herself.

Do you feel like there’s a lack of intimacy in your relationship? Have days where you feel unattractive, tell yourself you’re not good enough, and generally struggle with those negative thought patterns? If so, the two may very well be linked. When you no longer share the closeness and affection you used to enjoy with […]

How Lack of Intimacy in Your Relationship Affects Your Self-Esteem

couple in bed hiding under covers lacking intimacy

‘I miss my old self. I feel lost, and I have no idea how to find my way back. I’m not sure I even know who I am anymore.’  Sound familiar? While you might feel lost, your real self is actually still in there, buried under years of conditioning and experiences that have moulded you […]

Missing Myself: How to reconnect when you’ve lost your way

woman stood in desert in white tshirt and jeans feeling lost or looking stranded

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