When you’re feeling unhappy, it’s really hard to know where to start in an attempt to pick yourself up. And sometimes, a simple search for some inspirational quotes can be a good place to begin. But when you’re desperate to feel truly happy with yourself, it’s important to think about what happiness really means to […]

Happy With Me: 37 Quotes to Lift Self Esteem

woman in white dress and black ankle boots holding lemons in front of eyes. Looking carefree and happy with herself.

Do you feel like there’s a lack of intimacy in your relationship? Have days where you feel unattractive, tell yourself you’re not good enough, and generally struggle with those negative thought patterns? If so, the two may very well be linked. When you no longer share the closeness and affection you used to enjoy with […]

How Lack of Intimacy in Your Relationship Affects Your Self-Esteem

couple in bed hiding under covers lacking intimacy

‘I miss my old self. I feel lost, and I have no idea how to find my way back. I’m not sure I even know who I am anymore.’  Sound familiar? While you might feel lost, your real self is actually still in there, buried under years of conditioning and experiences that have moulded you […]

Missing Myself: How to reconnect when you’ve lost your way

woman stood in desert in white tshirt and jeans feeling lost or looking stranded

Are you stuck in a never-ending cycle of negative thoughts? When you’re struggling with low self-esteem, low mood, anxiety, or depression, this type of thinking can become a vicious cycle, often without us even realising it’s happening. The inner voice is a sly one, spinning unhelpful thoughts from deep-rooted beliefs and cementing them even further. […]

How to Stop Negative Thoughts – Overcoming Unhelpful Thinking Habits

Woman beating unhelpful thinking sat in a window smiling thanks to her work done with Natalie Trusdale

Break free from the trap of body checking and overcome negative body image. Empower yourself and learn to embrace self-love and confidence 💪

Overcoming Negative Body Image: Breaking Free from the Trap of Body Checking

A woman who has over come negative body image and is happy dancing with her partner

Spotting 6 telltale signs of body image struggles and ways to offer support. Empower yourself and others with understanding and compassion.

Recognising 6 Telltale Signs of Body Image Struggles

We live in a world that puts a lot of emphasis on perfection. From airbrushed magazine covers to carefully curated social media feeds. So it’s far too easy to feel like you’re not measuring up to some impossible standard of beauty and success.  As a result, you might spend a lot of time and energy […]

Starting to Embrace Your Flaws: Why Imperfections Make You Beautiful

Woman learning to embrace her flaws

Are you ready to manage your body image triggers? Well this blog will tick all the boxes in helping you do just that. Click here to make a change today.

Managing Body Image Triggers: Tips and Strategies for a healthier relationship with your body

Natalie Trusdale woman suffering with Body Image Triggers practicing mindset.

Want to discover what triggers your negative self-perception and body image?

In this blog I help you understand and overcome negative thoughts about your body.

Body Image: Understanding the real triggers for your Negative Body Image

Woman sat on her bed looking at her phone with a tissue as she cries due to the negative effects social media has had on triggering her body image

Struggling with negative body image? Our blog has practical strategies to help you manage bad body image days and build self-esteem.

How To Handle Bad Body Image Days

How to handle bad body image days. Woman sat on bed looking out a window.

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