How can you accept your body when you feel unattractive, believe yourself to be imperfect, and wish you had the ‘perfect body’?  When you’re surrounded by a strong focus on diet, fitness, body conditioning, and the ‘ideal’ body image, accepting our bodies as the wonderful, unique specimens that they are can feel impossible.  So, instead […]

Body Acceptance: How to Love and Respect Your Whole Self

women of all shapes, colour, and sizes standing together smiling embracing body acceptance

Positive self-esteem isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. Your journey to greater confidence and self assurance needs encouragement and nurturing – just as we nurture our children, or how the ground nurtures a growing seedling. If you’re struggling with a negative body image, low confidence, or just want to feel more optimistic on a day-to-day […]

Positive Quotes for Self-Esteem: Find Happiness Through Changing Your Mindset

woman silhouette against sunset background

When you’re feeling trapped, it can seem as though you have no control over your life. In turn, this can damage your self-esteem, and low self-esteem can exacerbate the problem. It becomes a bit of a negative cycle, and it can feel like there’s no way out, but it is possible to escape this feeling […]

Feeling Trapped: How to Find Freedom and Happiness in Your Life

Woman looking at reflection in mirror feeling trapped

Some days, life can be tough. It’s easy to forget all the good things we have going for us and focus on the negatives – particularly when things always seem to be going wrong. But there is a way to turn this around, and it’s a powerful one. By focusing on the good things in […]

The Life Changing Magic of Gratitude: 20 Powerful Prompts to Add to Your Gratitude List

happy woman in field grateful for life

“Think happy thoughts.”  Easier said than done though, right? Especially when that sneaky, negative voice decides to take over. There you are, minding your own business, reciting your positive affirmations… Until your brain pipes up with its two-pence worth, and you slide back into those unhelpful thinking habits. Bam. Happy thoughts, be gone.  Fortunately, understanding […]

The Power of Happy Thoughts – How to Positively Influence Your Life

woman thinking happy thoughts

The best self-love phrase you can use right now: ‘In order to soar, you must learn to F.L.Y. – First Love Yourself.’ – Unknown When was the last time you really, truly, loved yourself? Not in a self-important way, but in a way where you accepted who you are, made a conscious effort to be […]

Self-Love Phrases and Tips: Learn to Love Yourself

phone and notebook with pen, with words floating above that say 'don't forget to love yourself'

When you’re feeling unhappy, it’s really hard to know where to start in an attempt to pick yourself up. And sometimes, a simple search for some inspirational quotes can be a good place to begin. But when you’re desperate to feel truly happy with yourself, it’s important to think about what happiness really means to […]

Happy With Me: 37 Quotes to Lift Self Esteem

woman in white dress and black ankle boots holding lemons in front of eyes. Looking carefree and happy with herself.

A lack of confidence can be annoying at best, stopping us from asking questions for fear of being laughed at. At worst, it’s debilitating; crushing what little self-esteem we’re desperately holding onto. But lack of confidence and self-esteem often go hand-in-hand, causing us to hold ourselves back. To hide, and to withdraw from the world.  […]

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem & Confidence 

3 women amongst sunflowers feeling confident and happy with positive self-esteem

‘I miss my old self. I feel lost, and I have no idea how to find my way back. I’m not sure I even know who I am anymore.’  Sound familiar? While you might feel lost, your real self is actually still in there, buried under years of conditioning and experiences that have moulded you […]

Missing Myself: How to reconnect when you’ve lost your way

woman stood in desert in white tshirt and jeans feeling lost or looking stranded

Are you stuck in a never-ending cycle of negative thoughts? When you’re struggling with low self-esteem, low mood, anxiety, or depression, this type of thinking can become a vicious cycle, often without us even realising it’s happening. The inner voice is a sly one, spinning unhelpful thoughts from deep-rooted beliefs and cementing them even further. […]

How to Stop Negative Thoughts – Overcoming Unhelpful Thinking Habits

Woman beating unhelpful thinking sat in a window smiling thanks to her work done with Natalie Trusdale

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