When you have little to no confidence and your self-worth is shot to pieces, the concept of loving yourself can feel completely out of reach.  But as someone who has been there, I’m here to tell you that you CAN love yourself; you just need to know where to start.  From being able to spot […]

How to Love Yourself

woman hugging dog in the outdoors to showcase one of the ways of how you can love yourself

The best self-love phrase you can use right now: ‘In order to soar, you must learn to F.L.Y. – First Love Yourself.’ – Unknown When was the last time you really, truly, loved yourself? Not in a self-important way, but in a way where you accepted who you are, made a conscious effort to be […]

Self-Love Phrases and Tips: Learn to Love Yourself

phone and notebook with pen, with words floating above that say 'don't forget to love yourself'

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