You wake up, grab your phone, and before you even step out of bed, you’ve already compared yourself to three different women on Instagram. You tell yourself, I should be happy with what I have, but that nagging voice still whispers: If I could just lose a little weight, maybe I’d feel better. Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone, and you don’t have to feel this way forever.
Let’s talk about how to improve body image. Not in the way most people do, where it’s all about diet plans, gym memberships, or the latest beauty hacks. I mean really talk about it. That’s right: it’s time to talk about why so many of us struggle with feeling good in our own skin.
If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and thought, Ugh, I hate how I look or I’ll be happier once I lose weight, tone up, or fix this part of me, you’re not alone. And if you’ve ever felt like your worth was somehow tied to the number on a scale or the size of your jeans, I hear you.
I’ve been there too. For years, I thought if I could just change my body, I’d finally feel confident. I believed my happiness was waiting on the other side of a smaller waist or a flatter stomach. But the truth is, no matter how much I changed my body, I never really felt better about myself.
That’s because learning how to improve your body image isn’t actually about your body. It’s about how you see your body. And that’s what we need to work on.
The Four Aspects of Body Image: What You Need to Know

Most of us grow up thinking body image is just about what we look like, but it’s actually made up of four key parts:
- How You See Yourself (Perceptual): This is your mental image of your body, which is often inaccurate. Studies have shown that many women perceive themselves as larger than they actually are. If you’ve ever looked at an old picture of yourself and thought, Why did I think I was so big back then? I looked fine!, you’ve experienced this firsthand.
- How You Feel About Your Body (Affective): This is your emotional response to your appearance. Do you feel uncomfortable in your body? Do you avoid mirrors or cringe at photos of yourself? Those feelings don’t come from your actual body, they come from the beliefs you’ve built around it.
- What You Think About Your Body (Cognitive): This is where self-talk comes in. The thoughts you repeat daily—I look awful, I need to lose weight, She looks so much better than me, shape your reality. And the more you say them, the more you believe them.
- How You Behave Because of Your Body Image (Behavioral): This is where body image affects your life. Do you avoid social events because you don’t like how you look? Skip meals or overexercise? Not wear clothes you love because you don’t think you can “pull them off”? This is body image showing up in your everyday life.
Understanding these four aspects helps us see that fixing our body isn’t the answer. It’s about fixing how we see, feel, and think about our body because that’s what actually changes things for us.
What Shapes Our Body Image? The Biggest Influences in Our Lives

Body image isn’t something we’re born with. Unfortunately, it’s something we’re taught. And a lot of what we learn about our bodies comes from places that don’t have our best interests at heart.
Here are some of the biggest influences:
- Our Experiences: Maybe you were teased about your weight as a child. Maybe a parent made offhand comments about your eating habits. Maybe an ex made you feel like you weren’t attractive enough. Even if you don’t remember them, these moments can stick with us.
- Our Environment: Social media, magazines, TV… we are constantly bombarded with edited, filtered, and unrealistic body standards. With Photoshop and other tools, we’re surrounded—at times—by false expectations. Even scrolling through Instagram for five minutes can make you feel like you’re not “enough.”
- Society & Culture: In our world today, there’s an endless pressure on women to be thin, toned, youthful, and effortlessly beautiful. The “ideal” body changes every few years, but the message is always the same: You’re not good enough as you are. And it is a message that can affect us all, no matter how old or fit we are.
- Body Changes: Weight fluctuations, aging, pregnancy, surgery, our bodies change, and this can make us uncomfortable. Even though we may go through different life stages, our self-worth should not change just because we are evolving as individuals.
If any of these resonate with you, take a deep breath. The good news is that nothing is wrong with you. You’ve simply been taught to see yourself through a distorted lens. And that lens can be changed.
If you’re already aware of how body image is holding you back, but you struggle to break the cycle, you’re not alone. That’s why inside Beyond the Mirror, you’ll get guided exercises, structured mindset shifts, and expert coaching to help you with overcoming negative self-talk about appearance so you can step into real body confidence.
How to Improve Your Body Image: Four Steps to Get Started

1. Aim for Acceptance, Not Perfection
The goal isn’t to love every inch of your body every day. That’s unrealistic. The goal is to accept it, to look in the mirror and think, This is my body. It carries me through life. It deserves kindness.
When we detach our worth from our appearance, we take back control. Because let’s be honest, our bodies are meant for so much more than just being looked at. They’re here to let us experience life, to laugh, to hug, to dance, to rest.
2. Work on Overcoming Negative Self-Talk About Appearance
Start paying attention to the way you speak to yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself.
Instead of: I hate my stomach. Try: My body deserves respect, no matter how I feel about it today.
Instead of: I need to lose weight before I can be confident. Try: Body confidence is a mindset, not a body size.
The words you use matter. Choose them wisely.
3. Change Your Environment
- Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself.
- Surround yourself with people who speak kindly about their own bodies.
- Limit time on social media if it makes you spiral.
- Fill your feed with body-positive and body-neutral content that reminds you that you are enough as you are.
4. Validate Yourself
You don’t need external validation to feel good about yourself. Make a list of things you love about yourself, your kindness, your humor, your intelligence, your resilience. Keep adding to it. Your value is so much more than just how you look.
Inside Beyond the Mirror, you’ll find step-by-step exercises, expert guidance, and a supportive community to help you in overcoming negative self-talk about your appearance and actually start living. No more waiting until you feel “ready”, you deserve this now.
You Deserve to Feel Good Now—Not “One Day”
If you’re waiting until you lose weight, tone up, or “fix” something about yourself before you can feel happy and confident, I have news for you: You don’t have to wait. You are allowed to feel good about yourself now. Just as you are.
You’ve spent long enough feeling trapped by body image struggles. You don’t have to do this alone. Join Beyond the Mirror today and get access to expert-led guidance, powerful mindset tools, and a community of women learning to feel confident in their skin, without ever needing to change a thing. Click here to start your journey.
You are worthy, you are enough, and you deserve to take up space in this world, exactly as you are.

Hey I’m Natalie, Supporting women like you on their road to self-acceptance and building a positive body image.
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