When looking to create a positive environment we should do it because we want to enhance our self-esteem. Your environment has a significant impact on your Self Esteem.
If your environment is positive and supports how you want to think, feel and behave then you will thrive and have healthy Self-esteem.
If your environment is negative and doesn’t support how you want to think, feel and behave then you will stay trapped in negative cycles and habits and have poor Self-esteem.
In todays article we are going to explore how to know if your external environment is negative or positive, the impact of both and ways to create a positive environment that supports you and the life you want.
So, let’s get into it.
Signs of a Negative Environment
These are a few of the signs that your environment is negative and not supporting you to maintain or build a healthy Self-esteem.
Here are a few signs that your environment is negative and not supporting you:
- You often receive negative comments and ‘put downs’ from people around you
- You feel triggered and bad about yourself when scrolling on social media
- You often feel like you can’t speak your mind or ‘show up’ as yourself
- The conversations around you are often loaded with judgement, shaming, diet talk and negativity
- Your boundaries are often not respected and your needs put after the needs of others
- You aren’t able to make mistakes or fail
- You often feel stressed and anxious in your current environment
- Your dreams, goals and positive habits are not supported

Signs of a Positive Environment
These are a few of the signs that your environment is positive and helping you to maintain or build a healthy Self-esteem:
- You feel confident and able to be yourself
- You feel supported and encouraged in your dreams, goals and positive habits
- You are able to express yourself
- You feel heard and respected
- When you set boundaries they are honoured
- You feel inspired and positive when scrolling social media
- People respect the conversations and topics you don’t wish to be part of, such as diets, weight loss, judging and shaming
- You receive compliments and praise
- When things don’t go to plan the people in your life lift you up and encourage you to keep going
- You feel relaxed and calm in your current environment
Your environment plays a massive role in how you think, feel and behave. You will experience many different environments throughout your life, all of which will have either a positive or negative impact on your Self-esteem.
However, whether your external environment is positive or negative has a massive influence on your Self-esteem and here are a few ways that is can impact you.

Impact of a Negative Environment
Here are a few ways that living in a negative environment can impact you:
- Poor body image
- Low self-esteem and self-confidence
- Negative comparisons to others around you
- Negative thoughts and self-talk
- Poor mental and emotional health
- Seeking the approval and validation of others
- Unhealthy behaviours (such as dieting, isolation, eating disorders, substance misuse)

Impact of a Positive Environment
Here are a few ways that living in a positive environment can impact you:
- Positive body image and view of yourself
- Healthy Self-esteem
- Confident to show up and be yourself
- Positive mindset
- Positive mental health and wellbeing
- Self-belief
- Striving towards your goals and dreams even in the face of fears

How to start creating a Positive Environment?
If you feel that your current environment is negatively impacting you and you want to make changes towards living in a more positive and supportive environment, then never fear, it’s absolutely possible.
There are many ways you can change your environment and it can sometimes be overwhelming. So, today I want you to start by simply asking yourself these questions:
- What is negatively impacting you?
- How can you minimise or eliminate how it’s impacting you?
- What is positively impacting you?
- Can you bring more of that into your life?
- What barriers or challenges might you face in making these changes?
- How can you effectively manage these barrier or challenges?
Your Environment Matters
It might not as clear cut as to say that every environment in your life is positive or negative. It may be that you may feel that your home environment is supportive, but your work colleagues are often negative and this impacts how you feel.
You will move through many different environments each day and throughout your life and I don’t believe that all of your environments can be consistently 100% positive. Checking in with your environments often is a great way to be able to make any changes needed if you find that negativity has started to take over your environment and how you’re feeling about yourself and your life.
I encourage you to ask yourself the question above today and then identify 1 change that you can make to create a positive environment. I would love you to share with me what that change would be in the comments below.
At the heart of creating a positive environment is the support and care for your self-esteem. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to help. Book a free discovery call today and let me walk with you on your journey towards confidence and self-empowerment.

Hey I’m Natalie, Supporting women like you on their road to self-acceptance and building a positive body image.
[…] Your experiences in life and current environment can significantly influence your body image. […]
[…] surroundings can hinder self-acceptance. Create a positive environment and surround yourself with positive people who uplift and encourage you, making you feel good about […]